Happy (almost) New Year! We made it through another year and the beginning of a new one is just upon us. As we get through the Christmas season, you may be thinking of what your New Year’s Resolution may be. You might be considering hitting the gym more, eating more healthy, reading a book a week or even just spending more time with family! Whatever you’re considering for the new year, these tips will help you start and keep your resolutions well into 2022. Take a look below at some tips and tricks!
- Be Realistic: A major key to New Year Resolution success is picking a goal that is attainable. Give yourself some leeway so that you’re setting yourself up for success. For example limiting your chocolate intake or switching to a healthier alternative will be easier (and a bit more fun) than never eating chocolate again. It’s all about balance!
- Set Yourself Up For Success: Have a goal to lose weight in 2022? Get prepared! Sign up for your local gym, purchase whatever equipment you’ll need and get your healthier recipes in order sooner, rather than later. Need some food inspo? Our blog has many healthy recipes to get started.
- Keep Track: Log your progress so you can see just how far you’ve come. Whether it’s old fashioned paper and pencil, an app or social media, jotting down stats can give you the motivation you need to keep going
- Reward Yourself: What fun is it to hit a goal and not have a reward? Take time to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Eating healthier in 2022? Grab a new Takenaka Bento as a treat or prepare a special meal to celebrate.
Whatever your goals are for the new year, the above tips will give you guidance on becoming your best self. And with our focus on sustainability and wellness in mind, Takenaka Bento will be here with new recipes and bentos to help fuel your journey, no matter where it takes you.